Lectio 2
Lecture 2
16:10 Si autem venerit Timotheus, videte ut sine timore sit apud vos: opus enim Domini operatur, sicut et ego. [n. 1034]
16:10 Now if Timothy comes, see that he be with you without fear: for he works the work of the Lord, as I also do. [n. 1034]
16:11 Ne quis ergo illum spernat: deducite autem illum in pace, ut veniat ad me: exspecto enim illum cum fratribus.
16:11 Let no man therefore despise him: but conduct him on his way in peace, that he may come to me. For I look for him with the brethren.
16:12 De Apollo autem fratre vobis notum facio, quoniam multum rogavi eum ut veniret ad vos cum fratribus: et utique non fuit voluntas ut nunc veniret: veniet autem, cum ei vacuum fuerit. [n. 1036]
16:12 And concerning our brother Apollo, I give you to understand that I much entreated him to come unto you with the brethren: and indeed it was not his will at all to come at this time. But he will come when he shall have leisure. [n. 1036]
16:13 Vigilate, state in fide, viriliter agite, et confortamini. [n. 1037]
16:13 Watch: stand fast in the faith: do manfully and be strengthened. [n. 1037]
16:14 Omnia vestra in caritate fiant.
16:14 Let all your things be done in charity.
16:15 Obsecro autem vos fratres, nostis domum Stephanae, et Fortunati, et Achaici: quoniam sunt primitiae Achaiae, et in ministerium sanctorum ordinaverunt seipsos: [n. 1039]
16:15 And I beseech you, brethren, you know the house of Stephanus, and of Fortunatus, and of Achaicus, that they are the firstfruits of Achaia, and have dedicated themselves to the ministry of the saints: [n. 1039]
16:16 ut et vos subditi sitis ejusmodi, et omni cooperanti, et laboranti.
16:16 That you also be subject to such and to everyone who works with us and labors.
16:17 Gaudeo autem in praesentia Stephanae, et Fortunati, et Achaici: quoniam id, quod vobis deerat, ipsi suppleverunt: [n. 1041]
16:17 And I rejoice in the presence of Stephanus and Fortunatus and Achaicus: because that which was wanting on your part, they have supplied. [n. 1041]
16:18 refecerunt enim et meum spiritum, et vestrum. Cognoscite ergo qui hujusmodi sunt.
16:18 For they have refreshed both my spirit and yours. Know them, therefore, that are such.
16:19 Salutant vos ecclesiae Asiae. [n. 1042] Salutant vos in Domino multum, Aquila et Priscilla cum domestica sua ecclesia: apud quos et hospitor.
16:19 The churches of Asia greet you. [n. 1042] Aquila and Priscilla greet you much in the Lord, with the church that is in their house, with whom I also lodge.
16:20 Salutant vos omnes fratres. Salutate invicem in osculo sancto.
16:20 All the brethren greet you. Greet one another with a holy kiss.
16:21 Salutatio, mea manu Pauli. [n. 1044]
16:21 The greeting of me, Paul, with my own hand. [n. 1044]
16:22 Si quis non amat Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum, sit anathema, Maran Atha. [n. 1045]
16:22 If any man loves not our Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema, maranatha. [n. 1045]
16:23 Gratia Domini nostri Jesu Christi vobiscum.
16:23 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
16:24 Caritas mea cum omnibus vobis in Christo Jesu. Amen.
16:24 My charity be with you all in Christ Jesus. Amen.
1034. Hic instruit eos de his quae pertinent ad discipulos suos. Et
1034. Here he instructs them concerning the things which pertain to his disciples.
primo de his quae pertinent ad Timotheum,
And first, concerning things that pertain to Timothy;
secundo de his quae pertinent ad Apollo, ibi de Apollo, et cetera.
second, concerning things that pertain to Apollo, at concerning our brother Apollo.
1035. De Timotheo tria mandat. Primo ut secure custodiatur, unde dicit si autem venerit ad vos Timotheus, videte, studeatis, ut sine timore sit apud vos. Forte aliqua commotio fuerat ibi propter pseudo-apostolos. II Cor. VII, 5: foris pugnae, intus timores, et cetera. Et hoc debetis facere, quia opus Domini operatur, sicut et ego praedicando. II Tim. IV, 5: tu vero vigila, in omnibus labora.
1035. Concerning Timothy, he enjoins three things. First, that he be kept free of concern; hence he says, now if Timothy comes, see, be diligent, that he be with you without fear. Perhaps there was a certain disturbance there because of the false apostles: fighting without and fear within (2 Cor 7:5). And this you ought to do because he works the work of the Lord, as I also do by preaching: as for you, be vigilant in every labor (2 Tim 4:5).
Secundo ut in honore habeatur, et ideo dicit ne quis ergo illum spernat. Et ratio huius est forte, quia iuvenis erat. I Tim. IV, 12: nemo adolescentiam tuam spernat. Lc. X, v. 16: qui vos spernit, me spernit.
Second, that he be held in honor, and so he says: let no man therefore despise him. And the reason for this is perhaps because he was young: let no one despise your youth (1 Tim 4:12); he who rejects you, rejects me (Luke 10:16).
Tertio ut pacifice deducatur, et hoc est quod dicit deducite autem illum, et cetera. Et ratio huius est quia expecto illum cum fratribus, qui sunt cum eo.
Third, that he be led in peace, and this is what he says: but conduct him on his way in peace. And the reason for this is because I look for him with the brethren, who are with him.
1036. De Apollo, et cetera. Iste est ille Apollo, de quo habetur Act. XVIII, 24, quod Iudaeus quidam, etc., et iste ivit in Achaiam, et fuit quasi specialis doctor eorum post apostolum, I Cor. III, 6: ego plantavi, Apollo rigavit, etc. et, ut Glossa dicit, episcopus erat. Et quia Corinthii male se habuerant, recesserat ab eis, et iverat ad apostolum. Postmodum vero Corinthii rogaverunt apostolum, ut remitteret illuc ipsum, ad quod respondet eis, dicens de Apollo autem fratre, quem rogastis remitti ad vos, notum vobis facio, tria.
1036. Concerning our brother Apollo. This is the Apollo of whom Acts says, a certain Jew (Acts 18:24), and the one who went to Achaia and was, as it were, their special doctor after the Apostle: I planted, Apollo watered (1 Cor 3:6). And as the Gloss says, he was a bishop. And because the Corinthians had behaved badly, he withdrew from them and went to the Apostle. Afterwards, the Corinthians asked the Apostle to send him back there, to which he responds to them saying, concerning our brother Apollo, whom you asked to be sent back to you, I give you to understand three things.
Primo, preces meas sibi factas, quoniam multum rogavi eum, ut veniret ad vos cum fratribus. Et dicit: rogavi eum, licet possit praecipere, quia magnis viris non de facili debet fieri praeceptum. I Tim. V, 1: seniorem obsecra, et cetera. Eccle. XXXII, 1: rectorem te posuerunt, et cetera.
First, my requests made to him, I give you to understand that I much entreated him to come unto you with the brethren. And he says, I much entreated him, although he could direct him, because with great men a command ought not be made easily: do not rebuke an older man but exhort him as you would a father (1 Tim 5:1); if they make you master of the feast, do not exalt yourself (Sir 32:1).
Sed numquid licuit sibi relinquere populum suum? Ad hoc dicendum quod, sicut Gregorius dicit, quando omnes subditi male se habent et nolunt corrigi, licet episcopo recedere ab eis. Unde quia isti erant tales, licuit ei. Vel dicendum est, quod forte non erat episcopus eorum, sed specialiter praedicaverat eis.
But is it lawful for someone to abandon his people? To this should be said, as Gregory says, when all the subjects conduct themselves badly and are unwilling to be corrected, it is lawful for the bishop to withdraw from them. Hence, because they were such as these, it was lawful for him. Or it should be said that perhaps he was not their bishop, but was preaching to them specially.
Secundo, responsum Apollinis, quia renuit venire ad eos, ibi et utique non fuit voluntas eius ut nunc, et cetera. Et ratio huius est quia forte nondum erant bene correcti, vel quia ipse erat in aliis arduis occupatus.
Second, the response of Apollo, because he refuses to come to them: and indeed it was not his will at all to come at this time. And the reason for this is perhaps because they were not yet properly corrected, or because he himself was occupied in other difficulties.
Tertio, promittit eum aliquando ad eos iturum. Unde dicit veniet autem cum ei vacuum, id est opportunum, fuerit, scilicet quando vos eritis correcti.
Third, he promises him that he should go to them at some time. Hence, he says, but he will come when he shall have leisure, i.e., opportunity; he shall have, namely, when you will be corrected.
1037. Consequenter, postquam instruxit eos quid debeant facere absentibus hic instruit eos qualiter se habeant ad praesentes.
1037. After he instructed them about what they ought to do with respect to those who were absent, he then instructs them how to conduct themselves with those who are present.
Circa hoc duo facit.
Concerning the first, he does two things.
Primo ostendit qualiter se habeant quantum ad omnes in communi;
First, he shows how they should conduct themselves as to all in common;
secundo quantum ad quosdam in speciali, ibi obsecro autem vos, fratres.
second, as to some in particular, at and I beseech you, brethren.
1038. Instruit autem eos Apostolus in communi de tribus, scilicet de fide, de bona operatione et de modo bene operandi. Sed tamen istis tribus praemittit unum quod est omnibus necessarium, id est, sollicitudo. Unde dicit vigilate et orate. Lc. XII, 43: beati servi illi, quos cum venerit Dominus, invenerit vigilantes, etc., et, Matth. XXVI, 41: vigilate et orate, et cetera.
1038. The Apostle instructs them in common about three things, namely, about faith, about a good work, and about the manner of working well. But he presents first one thing that is more necessary than all these three, i.e., watchful care. Hence he says, watch and pray: blessed is that servant whom his master when he comes will find so doing (Luke 12:43); and watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation (Matt 26:41).
De fide ergo instruit, cum dicit state, scilicet in fide, Eph. VI, 14: state succincti, et cetera.
He instructs them about faith when he says, stand fast, i.e., in the faith: stand, therefore (Eph 6:14).
De bona operatione, cum dicit viriliter, id est fortiter, agite, quia fides sine operibus mortua est, Iac. II, 26.
He instructs them about a good work when he says, do manfully, i.e., strongly, because faith without works is dead (Jas 2:26).
Sed quia bona operatio non est attribuenda nobis sed Deo, ideo subdit et confortamini in Domino. Ps. XXX, 25: viriliter agite, et confortetur cor vestrum, et cetera.
But because a good work should not be attributed to us, but to God, therefore he adds, and be strengthened in the Lord: be strong and let your heart take courage (Ps 31:25).