Lectio 2
Lecture 2
Matrimonium non dissolvendum
Marriage indissoluble
7:10 Iis autem qui matrimonio juncti sunt, praecipio non ego, sed Dominus, uxorem a viro non discedere: [n. 336]
7:10 But to them who are married, not I, but the Lord, commands that the wife depart not from her husband. [n. 336]
7:11 quod si discesserit, manere innuptam, aut viro suo reconciliari. Et vir uxorem non dimittat.
7:11 And if she departs, that she remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband. And let not the husband put away his wife.
7:12 Nam ceteris ego dico, non Dominus. Si quis frater uxorem habet infidelem, et haec consentit habitare cum illo, non dimittat illam.
7:12 For to the rest I speak, not the Lord. If any brother has a wife who believes not and she consents to dwell with him: let him not put her away.
7:13 Et si qua mulier fidelis habet virum infidelem, et hic consentit habitare cum illa, non dimittat virum:
7:13 And if any woman has a husband who believes not and he consents to dwell with her: let her not put away her husband.
7:14 sanctificatus est enim vir infidelis per mulierem fidelem, et sanctificata est mulier infidelis per virum fidelem: alioquin filii vestri immundi essent, nunc autem sancti sunt.
7:14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the believing wife: and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the believing husband. Otherwise your children should be unclean: but now they are holy.
336. Supra Apostolus posuit documenta de contractu matrimonii, hic instruit eos qui iam matrimonium contraxerunt de matrimonio non dissolvendo: et
336. After presenting teachings about the contract of marriage, the Apostle now instructs those who have already contracted marriage, that they must not dissolve the marriage.
primo docet eos qui sunt in matrimonio iuncti, ut in matrimonio maneant;
First, he teaches those already joined in marriage to continue in it;
secundo ponit utilem doctrinam quantum ad omnes status vel conditiones hominum, ibi unumquemque sicut vocavit Deus, et cetera.
second, he gives them a useful teaching as to all the states or conditions of men, at as God has called everyone: so let him walk (1 Cor 7:17).
Circa primum duo facit:
In regard to the first he does two things.
primo agit de indissolubilitate matrimonii quantum ad eos qui sunt unius cultus;
First, he deals with the indissolubility of marriage, as it applies to those who are of one worship;
secundo quantum ad eos qui sunt in dispari cultu, ibi nam caeteris ego dico, et cetera.
second, when there is disparity of cult, at for to the rest I speak.
Circa primum duo facit:
In regard to the first he does two things.
primo ponit praeceptum de indissolubilitate matrimonii;
First, he lays down a precept about the indissolubility of marriage;
secundo docet quid sit servandum quando matrimonium quodammodo separatur, ibi quod si discesserit, et cetera.
second, he teaches what should be done when the marriage is broken by separation, at and if she departs.
337. Dicit ergo primo: dixi non nuptis, id est, virginibus et viduis, quod melius est eis si sic permanserint, his autem qui matrimonio sunt iuncti non patet eadem conditio: his enim praecipio non ego, scilicet indicta mihi auctoritate, sed Dominus, hoc praecepit.
337. First, therefore, he says: I have said to the unmarried, i.e., virgins and widows, that it is better for them to remain as they are; but to them who are married, the same condition does not prevail. For to them I give the charge, not I, by the authority entrusted to me, but the Lord commands this.
Caput 7—Supplementum
Chapter 7—Supplement
Petri de Tarantasia Super I Epistolam ad Corinthios
Peter of Tarentaise on I Corinthians
Lectio 2—Supplementum
Lecture 2—Supplement
Matrimonium non dissolvendum
Marriage indissoluble
7:10 Iis autem qui matrimonio juncti sunt, praecipio non ego, sed Dominus, uxorem a viro non discedere:
7:10 But to them who are married, not I, but the Lord, commands that the wife depart not from her husband.
7:11 quod si discesserit, manere innuptam, aut viro suo reconciliari. Et vir uxorem non dimittat. [n. 338]
7:11 And if she departs, that she remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband. And let not the husband put away his wife. [n. 338]
7:12 Nam ceteris ego dico, non Dominus. Si quis frater uxorem habet infidelem, et haec consentit habitare cum illo, non dimittat illam. [n. 341]
7:12 For to the rest I speak, not the Lord. If any brother has a wife who believes not and she consents to dwell with him: let him not put her away. [n. 341]
7:13 Et si qua mulier fidelis habet virum infidelem, et hic consentit habitare cum illa, non dimittat virum:
7:13 And if any woman has a husband who believes not and he consents to dwell with her: let her not put away her husband.
7:14 sanctificatus est enim vir infidelis per mulierem fidelem, et sanctificata est mulier infidelis per virum fidelem: alioquin filii vestri immundi essent, nunc autem sancti sunt. [n. 344]
7:14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the believing wife: and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the believing husband. Otherwise your children should be unclean: but now they are holy. [n. 344]
Dicens Matth. XIX, 6: quos Deus coniunxit, homo non separet. Praecipio, inquam, uxorem a viro non discedere, et subintelligendum est, excepta causa fornicationis, quam Christus excepit, et hic tacetur, quia notissima est. Hanc solam excepit Dominus, caeteras omnes molestias iubet pro fide coniugii fortiter sustineri. Matth. XIX, 9: quicumque dimiserit uxorem suam et aliam duxerit, excepta causa fornicationis, moechatur.
What God has joined together, let no man put asunder (Matt. 19:6). I command, I say, that the wife depart not from her husband, except on account of fornication, an exception which Christ made and is not mentioned here, because it is well known. The Lord made this the sole exception; all other troubles he commands to be patiently endured for the faith of the marriage: whoever divorces his wife, except for unchastity, and marries another, commits adultery (Matt 19:9).
Hoc autem quod dicitur hic, secundum Glossam Augustini, intelligitur de coniunctis matrimonialiter, quorum uterque fidelis est.
According to a Gloss of Augustine, what is said here is understood of the union of matrimony when both are faithful.
338. Quod si discesserit, scilicet propter causam fornicationis, praecipio, inquam, manere innuptam, vivente marito, quia si solvitur matrimonium quoad thorum, non tamen quoad vinculum, aut viro suo reconciliari, scilicet si vir non continet. Et similiter vir uxorem non dimittat, nisi ob causam fornicationis. Similis forma in viro et in muliere servatur. Unde supplendum est quod de uxore praemisit, scilicet quod si omnino dimiserit, non ducat aliam, vel reconcilietur uxori.
338. But if she departs, namely, on account of fornication, that she remain unmarried, as long as the husband is alive, because although the marriage is dissolved as to bed and board, not as to bond. Or be reconciled to her husband, namely, if the husband is not continent. And let not the husband put away his wife, except on account of fornication. A similar form is kept in regard to the man and to the woman. Hence it is necessary to supply what was said about the wife, namely, that if he dismissed her completely, he should not get another, but be reconciled to his wife.
339. Sed contrarium videtur dicere Ambrosius super hunc locum. Unde dicit: ideo non subdit de viro sicut de muliere, quia licet viro aliam ducere, quia inferior non omnino hac lege utitur qua et superior.
339. But Ambrose, commenting here, seems to say something contrary to this. He says: he does not say the same things for the man as for the woman, because it is lawful for the husband to marry another woman, for the inferior does not use this law as fully as the superior.
Sed Magister dicit a falsariis esse appositum, et ideo nullatenus est tenendum.
But the Master says that this was added by a falsifier and should not be maintained at all.
340. Notandum est hic quod septem sunt casus in quibus vir non potest ob causam fornicationis uxorem dimittere. Primus casus quando ipsemet eam prostituit; secundus quando ipse cum alia fornicatus fuerit; tertius quando ipse ei occasionem fornicandi dedit, ut quia non vult reddere debitum; quartus quando ipsa credens probabiliter virum mortuum, alteri nupsit; quintus quando violenter ab aliquo oppressa fuit; sextus quando sub specie viri sui ab altero cognita fuit; septimus quando fuit a viro post adulterium manifeste deprehensum, nihilominus retenta.
340. It should be noted here that there are seven cases when a husband cannot dismiss his wife on account of fornication. The first is when he himself prostituted her; the second, when he commits fornication with another woman; the third is when he gave her the occasion of fornication, as when he is unwilling to render the debt; the fourth is when she has probable certitude that her husband is dead and she married another; the fifth is when she has been violently oppressed by him; the sixth is when she was known by another who seemed to be her husband; the seventh is when she has been manifestly caught in adultery, but is retained by her husband.
341. Deinde cum dicit nam caeteris dico, etc., agit de inseparabilitate matrimonii personarum disparis cultus, cum alter est fidelis, alter non.
341. Then when he says, for to the rest I speak, he treats of the inseparability of marriage between persons of disparate cult, when one is a believer.
Ubi primo dicit quod fidelis non dimittat infidelem volentem sine contumelia Creatoris cohabitare;
First, he says that the believer should not dismiss an unbelieving spouse, who is willing to continue living together without insulting the Creator;
secundo quod si non vult, fidelis non tenetur eum sequi, sed potest alteri nubere, ibi quod si infidelis discedit, etc.;
second, that if the unbeliever does not wish to live together, the believer is not bound to follow, but can marry another, at but if the unbeliever departs (1 Cor 7:15);
tertio quod nisi infidelis prior recedat, fidelis debet patienter commanere, ibi unde enim mulier, et cetera.
third, that unless the unbeliever leaves first, the believer should patiently remain together, at for how do you know (1 Cor 7:16).