Lectio 3
Lecture 3
Labores Titi
Titus’ labors
8:16 Gratias autem Deo, qui dedit eamdem sollicitudinem pro vobis in corde Titi, [n. 309]
8:16 And thanks be to God, who has given the same carefulness for you in the heart of Titus. [n. 309]
8:17 quoniam exhortationem quidem suscepit: sed cum sollicitior esset, sua voluntate profectus est ad vos. [n. 311]
8:17 For indeed he accepted the exhortation: but, being more careful, of his own will he went to you. [n. 311]
8:18 Misimus etiam cum illo fratrem, cujus laus est in Evangelio per omnes ecclesias: [n. 312]
8:18 We have also sent with him the brother whose praise is in the Gospel through all the churches. [n. 312]
8:19 non solum autem, sed et ordinatus est ab ecclesiis comes peregrinationis nostrae in hanc gratiam, quae ministratur a nobis ad Domini gloriam, et destinatam voluntatem nostram:
8:19 And not only that: but he was also ordained by the churches as companion of our travels, for this grace, which is administered by us, to the glory of the Lord and our determined will:
8:20 devitantes hoc, ne quis nos vituperet in hac plenitudine, quae ministratur a nobis. [n. 314]
8:20 Avoiding this, lest any man should blame us in this abundance which is administered by us. [n. 314]
8:21 Providemus enim bona non solum coram Deo, sed etiam coram hominibus. [n. 316]
8:21 For we forecast what may be good, not only before God but also before men. [n. 316]
8:22 Misimus autem cum illis et fratrem nostrum, quem probavimus in multis saepe sollicitum esse: nunc autem multo sollicitiorem, confidentia multa in vos, [n. 317]
8:22 And we have sent with them our brother also, whom we have often proved diligent in many things, but now much more diligent: with much confidence in you, [n. 317]
8:23 sive pro Tito, qui est socius meus, et in vos adjutor, sive fratres nostri, apostoli ecclesiarum, gloria Christi.
8:23 Either for Titus, who is my companion and fellow laborer towards you, or our brethren, the apostles of the churches, the glory of Christ.
8:24 Ostensionem ergo, quae est caritatis vestrae, et nostrae gloriae pro vobis, in illos ostendite in faciem ecclesiarum. [n. 319]
8:24 Therefore show to them, in the sight of the churches, the evidence of your charity and of our boasting on your behalf. [n. 319]
309. Postquam tractavit de collectis dandis, hic consequenter tractat de ministris per quos collectae fiant. Et
309. After dealing with the collections, to which they should contribute, the Apostle then deals with the ministers by whom the collections should be made.
circa hoc duo facit.
In regard to this he does two things.
Primo nominat eos;
First, he names them;
secundo recommendat eos Corinthiis, ibi ostensionem ergo quae est, et cetera.
second, he recommends them to the Corinthians, at therefore show to them.
Circa primum tria facit.
In regard to the first he does three things.
Primo enim nominat Titum;
First, he names Titus;
secundo Barnabam, ibi misimus etiam cum illo fratrem, etc.;
second, Barnabas, at we have also sent with him the brother;
tertio Apollo, ibi misimus autem cum illis, et cetera.
third, Apollos, at and we have sent with them.
Circa Titum duo commendat, scilicet eius sollicitudinem et sollicitudinis signum, ibi quoniam exhortationem, et cetera.
Concerning Titus he commends two things, namely, his earnest care and the sign of his earnest care, at for indeed he accepted the exhortation.
310. Dicit ergo primo: dixi, supra, quod rogavi Titum ut perficeret gratiam istam de eleemosynis colligendis, quod imminet sollicitudini meae ex ordinatione apostolorum, de quo inveni etiam ipsum sollicitum; et ideo ago gratias Deo, qui dedit eamdem sollicitudinem, quam ego habeo, pro vobis, exhortandis et promovendis ad opera misericordiae, in corde Titi; quia ipse etiam sollicitus est, sicut et ego, ut perficiat in vobis hanc gratiam. Hebr. VI, 11: cupimus unumquemque vestrum eamdem ostentare sollicitudinem, et cetera. Rom. XII, 8: qui praeest in sollicitudine.
310. He says, therefore, in regard to Titus: I have said above that I have asked Titus to prove that grace collecting alms, because it has a bearing on the care entrusted to me by the apostles, in which I have also found him careful. And thanks be to God, who has given the same carefulness for you in the heart of Titus, as I have, for exhorting you and promoting you to works of mercy, because he is as solicitous as I to prove this grace for you. And we desire each one of you to show the same earnestness in realizing the full assurance of hope until the end (Heb 6:11); the leader, in diligence (Rom 12:8).
311. Signum autem huius sollicitudinis est, quia quando rogavi eum, ipse consensit exhortationi meae. Et ideo dicit quoniam exhortationem quidem suscepit. Et quia prosecutus est quod petii, unde dicit sed cum sollicitior esset sua voluntate, quam mea exhortatione, profectus est ad vos; qui tamen primo recusabat venire propter peccata vestra. Rom. XII, 11: sollicitudine non pigri.
311. But the sign of this carefulness is that when I asked him, he consented to my exhortation; hence he says, for indeed he accepted the exhortation, and because he carried out what I asked; hence he says, but, being more careful, of his own will more than by my exhortation, he went to you, although at first he refused to go on account of your sins: never flag in zeal (Rom 12:11).
312. Consequenter cum dicit misimus autem, etc., tractat de secundo ministro. Et
312. Then when he says, we have also sent with him the brother, he treats of the second minister.
circa hoc duo facit.
In regard to this he does two things.
Primo commendat ipsum;
First, he commends him;
secundo subdit rationem quare mittit tam solemnes nuntios, ibi devitantes, et cetera.
second, he gives the reason why he is sending such earnest messengers, at avoiding this.
313. Frater iste, secundum quosdam, est Lucas, vel secundum alios Barnabas, quem quidem commendat ex tribus, scilicet ex fama, quia laus eius, scilicet Lucae, est in Evangelio ab eo scripto per omnes ecclesias, quia est approbatum per apostolos. Vel cuius laus, scilicet Barnabae, est in Evangelio praedicato ab ipso per omnes Ecclesias, quia Iudaeis et gentibus. Unde dicitur de Barnaba, Act. XI, 24, quod erat vir bonus plenus fide et Spiritu Sancto.
313. This brother, according to some, is Luke, and according to others, Barnabas. Whoever it is, he recommends him on three points, namely, on his reputation, because his praise, that is, Luke’s, is in the Gospel written by him through all the churches, because it was approved by the apostles. Or whose praise, namely, Barnabas’, is in the preaching of the Gospel through all the churches, because he preached to Jews and gentiles. Hence it is said of Barnabas in Acts, that he was a good man, full of faith and the Holy Spirit (Acts 4:38).
Item commendat ipsum ex societate sua, quia non solum est famosus, sed et ordinatus est ab ecclesiis Iudaeae comes peregrinationis meae, id est praedicationis meae, qua, ut peregrini, mundum circuimus. Supra c. V, 6: quamdiu sumus in corpore, peregrinamur a Deo, et cetera. Et hoc est verum de Luca, quia ipse fuit unus de septuaginta duobus discipulis, et socius Pauli. De Barnaba similiter, quia per Spiritum Sanctum dicitur Act. XIII, 2: segregate mihi Barnabam et Paulum in opus, et cetera. Et factus est comes in hanc gratiam, scilicet collectionis eleemosynarum. Vel in hanc gratiam, scilicet praedicationis, de qua dicitur Eph. III, 8: mihi autem omnium sanctorum minimo, et cetera.
He also commends him on his companionship, because not only that, i.e., that he is famous, but he was also ordained by the churches as companion of our travels in this gracious work, i.e., of my preaching, for which we traveled as pilgrims over the world: while we are in the body we are absent from the Lord (2 Cor 5:6). And this is true of Luke, because he was one of the seventy-two disciples and a companion of Paul. It is also true of Barnabas, because it was said by the Holy Spirit: set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them (Acts 13:2). And he was made a companion for this grace namely, to collect the alms. Or, for this grace of preaching, of which it is said: to me, though I am the very least of all the saints (Eph 3:8).
Item commendat eum ex officio, quia est minister gratiae quae ministratur a nobis. I Cor. IV, 1: sic nos existimet homo. Supra c. III, 6: qui et idoneos nos, et cetera. Ministratur autem gratia ista ad Domini gloriam, ut scilicet Dominus noster glorificetur, scilicet de eleemosynis factis, de conversione plurimorum populorum praedicationi nostrae, quia, ut dicitur Prov. XIV, 28, in multitudine populi, et cetera.
He also commends him from his office, because he is a minister of grace which is administered by us. This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ (1 Cor 4:1); who has also made us fit ministers of the New Testament (2 Cor 3:6). But that grace is administered to the glory of the Lord, namely, that our Lord be glorified by the alms collected after the conversion of many people by our preaching, because, as it is said: in a multitude of people is the glory of a king (Prov 14:28).
Item ministratur, ut voluntas nostra impleatur, quia nos hoc volumus fieri. Et ideo dicit et voluntatem nostram destinatam, id est praedestinatam a Deo, qui praedestinavit ab aeterno nos talem voluntatem habere.
Likewise it is administered in order that our will be fulfilled, because we want this to be done; hence, he says, and our determined will, i.e., predestined by God, who from eternity predestined us to have such a will.
314. Consequenter cum dicit devitantes, etc., assignat causam quare mittat tam solemnes nuntios. Et
314. Then when he says, avoiding this, he assigns the cause for why he is sending such solemn messengers.
primo huius rationem assignat;
First, he assigns the reason for this;
secundo probat, ibi providemus ergo, et cetera.
second, he proves it, at for we forecast.
315. Dicit ergo: causa quare tam solemnes nuntios mittimus, est ista: ut sciatis negotium huiusmodi inesse cordi nostro. Et ideo dicit devitantes hoc, scilicet ne quis, etc., quasi dicat: ut vitemus vituperium quod posset mihi impingi ab aliquibus, vel negligentiae, si non mitterem strenuos, vel fraudis si non mitterem securos. Et isti strenui erant et prompti et securi, quia dati ab Ecclesiis et electi per Spiritum Sanctum. Supra c. VI, 3: nemini dantes ullam offensionem, et cetera.
315. He says, therefore: the reason we are sending such solemn messengers is this, that you may know that this affair is in our heart. Hence he says, avoiding this, lest any man should blame us in this abundance. As if to say: to avoid the accusation that could be lodged against us by others either for negligence, if we did not send solemn messengers, or of fraud, if we did not send trustworthy men. But they are energetic and prompt and trustworthy, because they were given by the churches and chosen by the Holy Spirit. Giving no offense to any man, that our ministry be not blamed (2 Cor 6:3).
Dicit autem in hac plenitudine, scilicet eleemosynarum vel conversionis gentium. I Petr. IV, 10: unusquisque sicut accepit gratiam in alterutrum, et cetera.
But he says, in this abundance, namely, of alms, or of converted gentiles. As each has received a gift, employ it for one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace (1 Pet 4:10).
316. Et hoc probat dicens providemus enim, etc., quasi dicat: bene dico devitantes, quia providemus, id est providere debemus, bona, id est ut opera nostra bona sint non solum coram Deo, ut ei placeamus, sed etiam coram hominibus, ut scilicet eis bona videantur. Et hoc facit, sollicite procurando et bonos imitando. Rom. XII, 9: adhaerentes bono, et cetera.
316. Then he proves this, saying: for we forecast, as if he says: well I say avoiding this, because we forecast, i.e., we ought to provide, what may be good, i.e., so that our works might be good not only before God, that we might be pleasing to him, but also before men, namely, that the good works may be seen by them. And he does this by providing carefully and by imitating good men: let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good (Rom 12:9).