Caput 27 Chapter 27 Crucifixio The Crucifixion Lectio 1 Lecture 1 Jesus ante Pilatum Jesus before Pilate 27:1 Mane autem facto consilium inierunt omnes principes sacerdotum et seniores populi adversus Iesum, ut eum morti traderent. [n. 2305] 27:1 And when morning came, all the chief priests and elders of the people took counsel against Jesus, that they might put him to death. [n. 2305] 27:2 Et vinctum adduxerunt eum, et tradiderunt Pontio Pilato praesidi. [n. 2306] 27:2 And they brought him bound, and delivered him to Pontius Pilate the governor. [n. 2306] 27:3 Tunc videns Iudas, qui eum tradidit, quod damnatus esset, poenitentia ductus, retulit triginta argenteos principibus sacerdotum et senioribus, [n. 2308] 27:3 Then Judas, who betrayed him, seeing that he was condemned, repenting himself, brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, [n. 2308] 27:4 dicens: peccavi, tradens sanguinem iustum. At illi dixerunt: quid ad nos? Tu videris. [n. 2312] 27:4 saying: I have sinned in betraying innocent blood. But they said: what is that to us? You look to it. [n. 2312] 27:5 Et proiectis argenteis in templo recessit, et abiens laqueo se suspendit. [n. 2314] 27:5 And casting down the pieces of silver in the temple, he departed, and went and hung himself with a halter. [n. 2314] 27:6 Principes autem sacerdotum, acceptis argenteis, dixerunt: non licet eos mittere in corbanam, quia pretium sanguinis est. [n. 2316] 27:6 But the chief priests, having taken the pieces of silver, said: it is not lawful to put them into the corbona, because it is the price of blood. [n. 2316] 27:7 Consilio autem inito, emerunt ex illis agrum figuli in sepulturam peregrinorum. [n. 2319] 27:7 And after they had consulted together, they bought the potter’s field with it, to be a burying place for strangers. [n. 2319] 27:8 Propter hoc vocatus est ager ille Haceldama, hoc est ager sanguinis, usque in hodiernum diem. [n. 2320] 27:8 For this cause, the field was called Haceldama, that is, the field of blood, even to this day. [n. 2320] 27:9 Tunc impletum est quod dictum est per Ieremiam prophetam dicentem: et acceperunt triginta argenteos, pretium appretiati, quem appretiaverunt a filiis Israel, [n. 2321] 27:9 Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, saying: and they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him who was prized, whom they prized of the children of Israel. [n. 2321] 27:10 et dederunt eos in agrum figuli, sicut constituit mihi Dominus. [n. 2321] 27:10 And they gave them to the potter’s field, as the Lord appointed to me. [n. 2321] 27:11 Iesus autem stetit ante praesidem, et interrogavit eum praeses dicens: tu es rex Iudaeorum? Dicit illi Iesus: tu dicis. [n. 2322] 27:11 And Jesus stood before the governor, and the governor asked him, saying: are you the king of the Jews? Jesus said to him: you say it. [n. 2322] 27:12 Et cum accusaretur a principibus sacerdotum et senioribus, nihil respondit. [n. 2326] 27:12 And when he was accused by the chief priests and elders, he answered nothing. [n. 2326] 27:13 Tunc dicit illi Pilatus: non audis quanta adversum te dicant testimonia? [n. 2327] 27:13 Then Pilate said to him: do you not hear what great testimonies they allege against you? [n. 2327] 27:14 Et non respondit ei ad ullum verbum, ita ut miraretur praeses vehementer. [n. 2328] 27:14 And he did not answer to any word; so that the governor wondered exceedingly. [n. 2328] 27:15 Per diem autem solemnem consueverat praeses populo dimittere unum vinctum quem voluissent. [n. 2331] 27:15 Now, upon the solemn day, the governor was accustomed to release to the people one prisoner, whom they wished. [n. 2331] 27:16 Habebat autem tunc vinctum insignem, qui dicebatur Barabbas. [n. 2331] 27:16 And he had then a notorious prisoner, who was called Barabbas. [n. 2331] 27:17 Congregatis ergo illis, dixit Pilatus: quem vultis dimittam vobis, Barabbam, an Iesum, qui dicitur Christus? [n. 2332] 27:17 They therefore being gathered together, Pilate said: whom do you wish that I release to you, Barabbas, or Jesus who is called the Christ? [n. 2332] 27:18 Sciebat enim quod per invidiam tradidissent eum. [n. 2333] 27:18 For he knew that for envy they had delivered him. [n. 2333] 27:19 Sedentem autem illo pro tribunali, misit ad eum uxor eius dicens: nihil tibi et iusto illi. Multa enim passa sum hodie per visum propter eum. [n. 2334] 27:19 And as he was sitting for the tribunal, his wife sent to him, saying: have nothing to do with that just man; for I have suffered many things this day in a vision because of him. [n. 2334] 27:20 Princeps autem sacerdotum et seniores persuaserunt populis, ut peterent Barabbam, Iesum vero perderent. [n. 2337] 27:20 But the chief priests and elders persuaded the people, that they should ask for Barabbas, and make Jesus away. [n. 2337] 27:21 Respondens autem praeses ait illis: quem vultis vobis de duobus dimitti? At illi dixerunt: Barabbam. [n. 2338] 27:21 And the governor answering, said to them: which of the two do you wish to be released to you? But they said: Barabbas. [n. 2338] 27:22 Dicit illis Pilatus: quid igitur faciam de Iesu, qui dicitur Christus? [n. 2340] 27:22 Pilate said to them: what should I do then with Jesus who is called the Christ? [n. 2340] 27:23 Dicunt omnes: crucifigatur. Ait illis praeses: quid enim mali fecit? At illi magis clamabant, dicentes: crucifigatur. [n. 2340] 27:23 They all said: let him be crucified. The governor said to them: why, what evil has he done? But they cried out the more, saying: let him be crucified. [n. 2340] 27:24 Videns autem Pilatus, quia nihil proficeret, sed magis tumultus fieret, accepta aqua lavit manus coram populo dicens: innocens ego sum a sanguine iusti huius, vos videritis. [n. 2342] 27:24 And Pilate seeing that nothing prevailed, but rather that a tumult was made, taking water washed his hands before the people, saying: I am innocent of the blood of this just man; you look to it. [n. 2342] 27:25 Et respondens universus populus, dixit: sanguis eius super nos, et super filios nostros. [n. 2343] 27:25 And the whole people answering, said: his blood be upon us and our children. [n. 2343] 27:26 Tunc dimisit illis Barabbam, Iesum autem flagellatum tradidit eis, ut crucifigeretur. [n. 2344] 27:26 Then he released to them Barabbas, and having scourged Jesus, delivered him to them to be crucified. [n. 2344] 2304. Supra Evangelista narravit quod passus est Christus a Iudaeis, hic narrat quod passus est a gentilibus: et quatuor facit. 2304. Above, the Evangelist recounted what Christ suffered from the Jews; here he recounts what he suffered from the gentiles: and he does four things: Primo tangit quomodo traditus est gentibus; first, he touches on how he is handed over to the gentiles; secundo quomodo examinatur; second, how he is tried; tertio quomodo condemnatur; third, how he is condemned; quarto quomodo patitur. fourth, how he suffers. Secunda ibi Iesus autem stetit ante praesidem etc.; tertia ibi per diem solemnem consueverat praeses etc.; quarta ibi tunc milites praesidis suscipientes Iesum in praetorium et cetera. The second is at and Jesus stood before the governor; the third, at now, upon the solemn day, the governor was accustomed; the fourth, at then the soldiers of the governor taking Jesus into the praetorium (Matt 27:27).